Application Environments

Learn about the main industries and environments where our professional solutions are applied.

Tourist Hotels and Apartments

Water-soluble liquid is commonly used in hotel rooms to eliminate odors of humidity or overcrowding, as well as for food and tobacco smells.

We are Collaborators of Gremi d'Hotels of Barcelona, of APARTUR and Skål


Rooms, common areas, toilets, garbage rooms, meeting rooms, dining rooms, gyms, spas and parking lots.


Sprays, Polymer with ST Tower 2, Dry Vapor and Downspouts.


Common areas, bathrooms and garbage rooms.

Application systems

Sprays, Polymer with ST Tower 2 and Downpipes.

Restaurants and bars

Restaurants mostly require formulas to neutralize odors from food and organic waste. At SCENTechnologies, we actively work with large restaurant chains and independent establishments, in environments such as dining areas, kitchens, and bathrooms. 

Health Centers

In medical-health centers, hospitals, nursing homes, offices and waiting rooms, we can neutralize the smell of overcrowding and other specific odors such as humidity, food, urine and feces.


Common areas, rooms, waiting rooms, toilets.

Application systems

Sprays, Polymer with ST Tower 2 and Dry Vapor.

Means of transport

In most means of transportation we can find odors such as sweat and crowds (also called "humanity"). To remove them, Polymer (Blue Formula typically) is used. Our solutions are present in the most important transport companies in Spain.


Buses, Metro, Trains, Planes and Boats.

Application systems

Polymer, installed in air conditioning filters.

Other Sectors

At Scentechnologies we develop application systems that adapt to the needs of each sector and environment.